DBC Network

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Install ADSL modem

Preparation and the ADSL modem

One of the technology to connect
to use the Internet network is the type of ADSL modem. Technology
ADSL is old technology, but continue to update
improve the transfer speed of a modem. In Indonesia itself is still
use technology Asymetric DSL or ADSL modem with the first
386/64Kbps speed for downstream and Upstream.

ADSL technology has limitations,
coverage such as the distance from the Telco or relay phone with the parent
modem subscribers can not be too far. You surely know
the installation of ADSL Telkom Speedy Net. If you want to use the
ADSL connection, you must check whether the phone number
you have been registered for the service and ADSL Speedy.

List of phone numbers mean
that the service can be provided by the Speedy, and the connection is
can be run well or in other words your connection
will not drop much happened. Because the more remote areas the distance
your home with the main relay and the more major hurdle
Telco's relay akan lower connection speed.

To install the ADSL modem connection is
some provisions of the rules such as the phone line at home, the
device and a modem setup. Below is discussed how to akan
to perform the initial setup on the ADSL modem and computer.

phone line connection

Use the ADSL modem requires a
the phone line. Currently, users can share the connection between
ADSL internet with the phone for voice. How very
easy, for a given ADSL equipment referred to as a splitter
or divider line.

Splitter placed in front of the position
when the incoming phone line. This means you can not graft
line with the ADSL modem to vote directly. Tools splitter
useful to eliminate interference when you are using
ADSL modem. With the splitter both can run simultaneously,
which you may be able to call and someone with
regular phone. On the other you can still connect to the
internet via ADSL modem.

To give a picture how to
splitter divider such as the image below.

Device modem connection and view of the indicator lights

Many types of modems such as ADSL
type of speed, the type of router that merged into the modem, integrated
with wireless, USB and Ethernet are incorporated by modem and
so forth.

ADSL modem has been developed with
placement of other enhancements. You can use 1
ADSL modem to 4 computer connected from the LAN and ethernet.
Or you can use ADSL modem with ethernet and output
USB only if only need 2 connection for a PC.

So many modem that is provided
will facilitate the user. But if you only need a connection
modem can simply select the type of modem with ethernet connection
and a USB port is enough already. That the more
needs and desires you to use the type of device
ADSL modem on the more expensive price of the modem.

But some features that need to be.
Because in the calculation is slightly different than
other countries who already hold more established internet connection
with the ADSL modem. It is a good idea to use the type of modem features
automatic connection on and off. ADSL Modem with features
will save the cost of your connection, especially in Indonesia
calculation used the time or the number of bandwidth used.
When you use the service without limit, type of ADSL modem and On
Off is not too necessary.

Picture below is the most modem
cheap offered by Telkom, or the price Rp.350.000
slightly more expensive than the USB modem dial-up. Price
very reasonable if you want a simple ADSL modem.
Only available USB port and Ethernet. If you need
additional connection to computer more than two, then the solution
on the cheap this modem can be added to the ethernet hub
share connections to the other PC.

Few suggestions for choosing DSL modem,
should also ask other colleagues to use the already
ADSL connection. We get a lot of different information to
quality of the modem, the DSL modem capability only be distinguished from
Additional features of the. The most important is the resilience
from the DSL modem. When you use the connection without limit, the resilience
modem into the most important. At least your DSL modem
too often do not hang too long because of work or to be

The more features in the modem akan
create a modem because the additional heat in the chip board
but meet the modem type of connection, such as integrity WIFI, Ethernet
HUB and USB. Use the DSL modem with simple features akan
limit the ability of DSL modem itself, especially if you
want to add a connection to another computer. So adjust the need
and the desire that you need.

before the modem setup

Before you setup in the modem
ADSL you have to go through the steps on the first sheet of the register
number and Telkom ADSL service must be a special line for
ADSL phone number for your home.

For information for the modem indicator
ADSL generally has 3 indicator lights on the PPP, Power, DSL.
If you are using a modem type of connection the ethernet and USB
2 will be added to the indicator lights and indicator Ethernet
USB. A second light guide when the port is connected
is connected to the computer. For example, you use the ethernet
the ethernet lights will flash, as well as for the USB
USB cable connected to the modem and the computer will turn on the lights
instructions as the connection between the ADSL modem with a PC.

3 of the main indicators for the PPP,
Power and DSL is the most important indicator DSL and PPP. Lights
PPP and DSL modem showed readiness to work on line
DSL. The lamp as the light that your modem is
already connected to the DSL line.

At the beginning of the modem, the indicator light
akan up and send a signal. After some time the lights
DSL will be constantly on the connection has been defined to connect
with good friends on the phone. Lights PPP connection is being defined
progress or flow of data when there is someone
connection to the Internet via a modem to make browsing.

System with a different ADSL Dial Up

When you use the Internet connection
with both a modem dial-up modem or other types such as cable
data to a mobile phone. You should know how to work the modem
Akan ADSL modem with a little different that we mentioned above.

ADSL modem that is already possible at this time
the user to enter a password into the ADSL modem. So
the user does not need to make income from the PC and the password command
computer through a dial. ADSL modem designed for ready use.
This means when you turn on your computer and modem, some
when the modem will connect directly to the ADSL network. When
you are browsing the Internet, for example to open a site
the ADSL modem will send data directly to the DSL network without
commanded to do as you dial the phone number to contact
ISP or Internet provider. The difference when doing a modem handshake
or log in to the network. For Dial-up modem will be seen
when the modem is connected with the pop dial-up program,
while not as fast as DSL modem dial-up system and have to wait
while some even take longer than 30 seconds to
line connection is ready.

Similarly to communicate, the modem
ADSL perform automatically when the signal from the computer
to send and receive data. There is one additional feature in the
modem system, namely on and off automatically. Here the actual benefits of
and weaknesses of each system modem. If you are using
ADSL modem that has a feature on and off, the feature is
useful to turn off the modem while not in use. Medium
cheap modem will continue to open the ADSL line, so the modem cheap
not suitable base on the service time or the calculation
of time.

Suggestions for the connection with the ADSL modem

Little input to use the modem
DSL. Suggested using the latest OS such as Windows XP for
easy to install. Use to connect the cable modem with Ethernet
compared to the USB connection, because the USB connection will disrupt the performance of


Setup modem can do your own

Konfigur do the actual DSL modem
does not install the device on a different computer. Unless the system
network in the system as a part of the DSL modem. Most
DSL modem is included as a gateway router. This means the modem
DSL door made out of data or as the media or as
path that must be passed by another computer connected to the

Because of its function as a router, then
each computer connected to the need to know how the IP modem
DSL itself. Generally, DSL modem to provide a specific IP number
such as, and another computer require the number
to the number entered as the gateway, especially if you choose
IP connection is static or fixed IP. When you use the type of IP
free or DHCP, you do not need to know the IP number.
Especially on Windows systems already have features of DHCP (dynamic
IP on the client) will do a search of the Gateway router

To install a modem is easy.
For example configuration settings on the modem under a model
it. You just enter the stage to install a driver or modem
DSL you.

At the initial stage, you only need to enter
modem type and configuration to check if the line
is ready to use, check the modem and DSL connections memerika
internet on the modem itself. Image setting is carried out under
automatically from the software installation modeml

Image under this section is sufficient
important. You need to enter a customer name and password
given. Please note that each connection requires a modem
name and password. Similar systems, such as Dial-up where you must
enter name and password to enter the network from the Internet
service provider.

Finish entering your subscription data
you, your modem is ready to use. And should also reminded,
DSL modem will store your data, if you change your password
to sign on the DSL modem then you need to re-enter the appropriate
changes made.

To check the status of IP, you simply
call the IP number of the modem as if the image below
DSL modem IP number is as the IP Gateway
for another computer (client)

To explain the existing data on
This picture above is as follows:

To box in the image on the left
up to the image:

* Connection speed of 384/64 Kbps modem or
38KB perdetik equivalent to download and upload to 6KB perdetik.
*'s Internet connection
* The length connection
* System connection
* Username of the customer service number or called
* IP Address, is a number from the modem to the IP network
internet (not the internal LAN IP)
* Default Gateway is the gateway of the DSL modem
for your modem
* DSN primary and secondary

The information box on the left only
have a relationship with the settings from the service provider such as
speedy. Unless the number Primary and Secondary DNS that may be necessary to
used for the client computer on the LAN network.

The top right of the box is
info is enabled as a modem router. Containing information
for the internal modem as model, firmware, Ethernet MAC Address
and other.

The most important system for the LAN
are on the bottom. Contains a number LAN IP Address
namely The number will be the gateway from the number
IP router or your client computer in the network when the network
you use the internet sharing computer to many.

The entire computer is connected, either
1 fruit or more than one will use the number for
connected to the Internet. Numbers can be directly terditeksi
automatically installed when a computer on the network
Such as the LAN hub to connect the computer ethernet (LAN network)
through UTP cable to connect to the HUB and the DSL modem.

For settings such as internet WinXP
will be connected automatically using DHCP (dynamic IP), and
you can just run the setup from the Network on WinXP. Be
Windows XP can recognize the Router / Gateway, setting
for IP and the Internet can directly terditeksi when you install
Ethernet network cable or via software.

But there are some cases slightly
different when you use the old OS as Win98SE. System WIn98SE
less smart than the Windows XP system. Maybe you need to
enter data on the network configuration in Win98SE manually.
For example Win98SE system could not directly connected

You need to enter the IP number
manual setup on the network Win98SE. Enter the IP number you
want but have a limitation on the information from the router
presented at the top. Or you can enter the Gateway
for your router manually.

For example, DSL modems already provide
data that only the to This means
IP your computer must be on the number. For example
you can enter a number with your computer Then
Gateway to the number of DSL modems that act as a Router
with the number

To ensure that your IP numbers have been
together properly, you can go to DOS Prompt and input
type ipconfig. View on the Ethernet Adapter is the number
IP, subnet mask and gateway IP already be showing. If not appear,
try again to restart your computer so that the new settings can be known
by the OS.

If the computer can not display
this data you may need to manually enter in the
control panel -> Network -> select TCP / IP on ethernet ->
click the property. Speciify and select an IP Address when
you want to manually enter data such as picture above,
or select a permanent alternative to setting the DHCP IP Address

Do not forget the Win98SE system needed
before restarting the IP number can be modified to work.

To read more detail from the data
IP configuration computer is connected to the modem router, you can
also use the program's internal Win98SE with WINIPCFG.
So the data will appear from the computer you more detail than
ipconfig command.

Troubleshooting when the Win98 computer
not can not browse. In the settings there is Win98SE
display the number on the IP settings on the DHCP Server DHCP or Dynamic
IP. DHCP server IP number in the box should be there.
If the network does not show the IP Win98SE, the mean
computer not connected to the Internet. To get the number
IP Gateway, you simply press the bottom part renew
to update the IP Gateway

Malware programs can reduce connection

When you use the ADSL service without
limit, malware program does not seem to need you pusingkan.
But for those who use the service be limited where
cost according to usage, most likely a malware program
big problem.

There have been cases where a customer
use the ADSL service is only to check email and chat
even only occasionally do some browsing on the site was
charged pleated. The error was the computernya
program has been installed that is not in inginka. Billing tumefy
because the user has a bad habit with the
DSL modem to work and keep the computer is not connected dikiranya
to the internet that are broadcast signal to the modem
DSL. The result of Tebak you can, that the still silent computer
continuously connected to the Internet without the owner's mind

You must know of a particular program
Malware such as who will steal your bandwidth, for us to be
2 categories:

Types of Spyware and Adware can be
cause you utmost bandwidth. Although you rarely possible
find this type of program unless you go to certain sites.
Programs of this type is most frustrating because of the strong taking
internet traffic. Even if you are inside the computer, akan
pop up on screen in a certain period of time. Program
types of Spyware and Adware are also classified as Malware or
program but who do not want to work in the computer

Virus Worm computer virus or type of program
internet worms sometimes it does not impose an internet connection,
but disrupt the performance of computer. Type Worm virus that menginfeksi
or into the computer hard terditeksi even difficult to recognize,
unless you install anti-virus or your expert enough to know
whether there is a program it into the computer.

Computer is infected with Worm virus program
computer virus or sometimes felt difficult, because the virus made Worm
very smart to try to menginfeksi computer and not
continuously use the internet connection. At Worm virus
not then active internet connection to smoothly without obstacles,
but the program is on the internet you will be slow.

Worm particular type of virus can even
menginfeksi other computer, for example, one computer is
infected akan attack other computer in the network. The result
when one computer dibersihan of Worm virus but does not
penangkalnya made, then some time in the infected akan
back from another computer. Please also reminded, some Worm
virus has a different working system, or random. Worm virus
indeed made a smart, some time in the computer is not turned on
looks on. But after some time type of Worm virus
certain mengila and can continue to do well into the broadcast
system network and the Internet.

To know the malware program you
can see the earlier article on Adware Spyware
Worm Virus virus 11 Dec 05

Discipline using the internet

If you have a lot of money, may
you do not need to read the reviews on this section. If you so
care for the speed of the modem and have limited funds for maintaining the tip
charge you for not tumefy

1. Keeping the computer with a firewall,
either for or DSL modem on your computer.
2. Activate your DSL modem when you need and
biasakan off the modem manually
3. Turn off the auto update program such as Windows Update
if you truly do not need. Type in Windows XP
periodically check the update via the internet, and even perform
update and download updates automatically. Similarly
on the auto update system software such as Anti Virus.
4. Site information site that you suspect to ask
you install the Malware program.
5. Use the Chat program as necessary, because the ad
in the free program will appear periodically and retrieve data through
internet network
6. Install anti-virus program and anti spyware to
keep your computer stays clean.

Therefore a review of the connection using
ADSL, at least you already know that use the connection
ADSL does not serumit that you imagine. ADSL connection when offered
cheaper than dial-up connection with the minimum limits
cost of service of service.

How quickly the service we try,
having appeared to peak 43.7KB perdetik night.

With this article we hope you
simply sign up to ADSL service for the Internet and can do
installation for the DSL modem and your own in 2 or 3 days
you can have ADSL grennggg ber ria http://blog.its.ac.id.

Setting a GPRS Modem for Ponsel My-G

My mobile phone output-G can also be used as a GPRS modem
With this facility, users can browse on the go using my phone as a G-modemnya.
Series My-G mobile phone that has this facility, consisting My G-100, My-G 110, G 638-My, My-G 630, G 660-My, My-G 800, G 810-My, My-G 818 , My-G 819, G 901-My, My-G and 906.

To have my mobile phone-G can be used as a modem, a user must perform several steps:

- Make sure that the GPRS service on the sim card has been activated, the card provider to ask you how to activate them.
- Download PC Suite
- Download My Port G
- After active can follow the following steps:

1. Colok cable to the CPU & HP, mode select Com Port on the phone.
2. After that drivers will be required, select no, no this time, click next.
3. Select install from specific location (advance), click next.
4. Select Do not search, just chose to install the driver, next.
5. Select have disk, browse, navigate to the file port.inf My G (this file can be downloaded at www.my-gmobile.com), after it emerged akan My G-port, select the next ago continue anyway.
6. Right click on My Computer select properties - Hardware - Device Manager, check at the port will appear MyG Port (com X) X record number to find out where you installed the data cable.

II. Modem Setting IN COMPUTER
1. Select start - settings - control panel - phone and modem option - the modem - select add.
2. Check Do not detect my modem, I will select it from list, click next.
3. Select the standard modem 1440Bps modem, next.
4. Select Comm Port is installed in accordance kebel earlier, and select next - finish.
5. Right-click on the standard modem 14400Bps, select properties, advanced, enter AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "APN operator," "IP gateway", 0.0. Example:
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "satelindogprs.com", "202152162250", 0.0 (for Satelindo).

List of settings per card: (please paste ago in the copy on your computer).
- Telkomsel (sympathy / USA, Rp.12, -/kb, but Halo does not need extra modem string):
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "TELKOMSEL", "010001089130, 0.0

- Telkomsel Flash:
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "FLASH", "010001089130, 0.0 (flash connection success at any address in the open internet explorer, then open the page directly Telkomsel flash to select the package).

- Telkomsel Flash patronage and registered in Graphari without modem package (Rp.1, -/kb):
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "INTERNET", "010001089130, 0.0 (browsing directly to the page does not automatically Telkomsel flash, because it is registered in the graphari)

- Matrix Indosat (Rp.10, -/kb):
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "SATELINDOGPRS.COM", "202152162250, 0.0

- Indosat IM3 (Rp.1, -/kb):
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "INDOSATGPRS", "010019019019, 0.0

- Excelcomindo (Xplor Rp.0, 4, -/kb, free xl / thumbs Rp.10, -/kb):
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "WWW.XLGPRS.NET", "202152240050, 0.0)

- Three (Rp.10, -/kb):
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "3GPRS", "010004000010, 0.0

III. Make connections DIAL UP
1. Log in to start - settings - control panel - network connection -.
2. Create a new connection, next.
3. Connect to the Internet, next.
4. Setup my connetion manually, next.
5. Connect using a dial-up modem, next.
6. Fill up your ISP (eg gprs Satelindo) and next.
7. Fill with the phone number * 99 *** 1 #.
8. Fill in user name and password according to your card details are as follows:
- Mentari / Satelindo - user name: indosat, Password: indosat
- Telkomsel - user name: wap, Passwore: wap123
- XL - user name: xlgprs, password: proXL
- 3 - user name: 3gprs, password: 3gprs
- Axis - user name: Axis, Password: 123456
9. Click on the Add a shortcut to this connetion to my desktop, so that connection can be in use.

IV. Connect to the Internet
To connect to the internet to stay click 2x on the icon on the desktop dial ago.

(source tabloids phone)

How to Install Driver as Haier C2000 Modem Internet

Before the phone can be used as a modem, to prepare this first:
1. Computer (PC) or laptop with Windows OS

2. MiniUSB data cable to USB.
MiniUSB to USB data cable is easily available and cheap price, because the cable is a standard mass, the USB cable with 5 pins. Widely used for mobile phone data cables, digital cameras, external hard drive, card reader, up to a MP3 player. Colokan miniUSB ditancapkan to the phone, and cable to the computer. Easy way to do smth, cable Haier C2000 data in this work to charging. Consequently not to worry about running out of mobile phone Battery, if used to access the internet berlama-old.

3. Modem driver for Haier C2000
Modem driver can be downloaded free at http://www.ziddu.com/download/1994551/usb-driver-c2000.zip.html. Once downloaded, ekstraksilah driver and make a new folder.

Step by step Internet Settings

1. Turn on the phone, then connect the data cable to the phone and computer. Automatically, the computer will detect and show new Hardware Found message. At that time the phone will also have direct charging. Next, the message Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard, select No, not this time, and Next so Windows Update does not do.

Continue to select Install from a list or specific location, and Include this location in the search, and navigate to the folder that the modem driver has been downloaded previously. Wait some time until the driver installation is complete. If successful, in the lower right corner will display the message Found New Hardware, Your new hardware is installed and ready to use.

2. Continue with the entrance to Start> Settings> Control Panel> System, then select the Hardware tab> Device Manager. Look at the options Modems. If one driver has been installed properly, will appear (detected) modem its name, in this case Qualcomm proprietary USB Modem (PID 3197).

3. The next stage is to make the connection. Still in Control Panel, select Network Connection. And select New Connection Wizard. After the exit the wizard, select Next, and check the Connect to the Internet. Click Next and check the Set Up My Connection manually and click Next. Continue with a select Connect Dial-up Modem, and input the name of your ISP (for example, or Hepi Fren), and click Next, and enter the phone number (# 777), and click Next.

4. In the last menu, the option munculah username and password. Fill in the following data:
Username: m8, password: m8, confirm password: m8, click Next and finish. Check the Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop, and click Finish. This will put the connection icon that was created on the front of the (desktop) so it is easy to use. Make a connection on a new connection is made, the connection icon appears on the desktop. Another way is via Start> Settings> Network Connection, locate the name of the connection that was created and double click.

5. Dial Press Connect on the menu that muncul.Tunggu some time to go (login) to the network operator. If successful will be immediately visible at the bottom of the icon, for example, "hepi-fren is now connected, Speed: 115.2 Kbps"

6. Open the Internet Explorer browser, and go to Tools> Internet Options. Click the Connections tab at the top, and select Always dial my default connection, then Apply and OK. For other browsers, for example, Mozila Firefox, go to Tools> Options> Advanced> Network> Settings, select Direct connection to the internet, and OK. The browser is ready for use.

7. To find out out incoming activity data, click the icon in the bottom right, and select Status. It will show the amount of datan the incoming (received) and outgoing (Sent). If you want to end, on the same icon, select Disconnect.


Internet Connection with CDMA

Handphone CDMA installation phase:

1. Preparation to make the Com Port, modem communication is done through Com port data cable and used to work as a Com Port. How to alter the function of the USB Cable into a COM data on the PC
2. Handphone recognize as a modem. Setting the driver from the driver after install dibukanya Com Port then the software can recognize WinXP Handphone as Modem
3. The process for the Network connection in Windows XP, after the COM port and Modem Install completed, the process is entering the final connection from the modem as a connection to the Internet.

Equipment Internet connection with CDMA Handphone

Equipment can be used for:

* Prolific DKU-GW-001-Compatible Data Cable Nokia DKU5
* Nokia 6585 CDMA
* Starone CDMA Prepaid

Equipment for the PC:

* Pentium P4 2.4C @ 3.3Ghz
* Memory 1GB
* Seagate 120GB SATA Harddisk
* USB port internet ICH5

Cable Function simulation data than a Com Port, also work as a function of mobile data transfer to PC. While the modem work as a modem in your PC's internet connection. In the picture below is how the Data Cable at the bottom of the mobile phone and connected to the USB port.

The first stage: menginstalll COM port data cable from Prolific

As on the PC, when a device through a modem akan port or USB port. For CDMA systems through data cable also needs to be activated ditanamkan the Com port on the USB Data Cable.

This early stage is under way to install the USB driver disimulasikan as a Com port to connect a PC to connect Handphone.

By using Data Cable Prolific, it is easier than installing from the original Cable Data DKU-5 drivers who need ukuranbesar. You simply pair Data Cable Prolific and Windows will ask the driver to recognize the USB port Data Cable Prolific as in the picture below.

After entering the CD and install, it will be showing new Com port on the Device manager. This means the installation of the driver Prolific Com port is active and ready to be used to connect the phone to the USB portseperti on the image below..

At this stage you have finished making the new Com port Cable Data Com Port that will be used as a modem from Handphone and Com port for the connection between the PC and modem / Handphone. Cable alter the function of data into the USB port Com Port on the operating system

Stage two: Install Modem for Handphone through Data Cable

Then provide an introduction to the Com port for the modem, click on Phone and modem control panel

It will appear as options in the image below

Log in to the modem. In the picture below, there is a modem with the chip-set for dial-up and does not have an article with this hubunganya. For the addition on the modem that enabled Handphone, you simply select the ADD and do not forget to click Do not Detect my modem. Because the modem must be installed in the driver manually

Enter a search name kebagian modem, click the Have Disk to install the modem driver on the new Handphone

Then input your driver handphone. And you can download the modem driver here

When you use the Nokia, it will be shown 3 options. Internet connection for you just as mengclick the 3G CDMA modem driver you

Then provide a port for your modem that has been in the Install, on the image below shows the options for Prolific Port 6 data cable that will be recognized by the Windows operating system to activate the modem for Com 6 Handphone

Completed this process you have 2 modems, the first dial-up modem from Lucent and the second modem via Nokia Handphone and Com port of the Data Connection Cable

At this stage you have finished installing the Com port of the Windows operating system and the modem to use as your connection to your mobile phone.

Phase three: Install Internet connection to Window for CDMA modem

As you are using a dial-up modem or ethernet broadband, each relationship is also required type of network connection and the type you need

To connect to the Internet, simply use the Wizard from Windows XP. Kebagian enter your Control Panel and click Network Connection

You just mengclick the Create New Connection in the sub menu Network Connection

Next Connection Wizard will appear, and click Next

Select Direct connection to the Internet

And input to connection setup manual

Select the dial-up, because the use Handphone system such as a phone and you need to dial the number manually to connect via CDMA mobile phone

Enter the name of the connection, for example Indosatnet as in the picture below

Enter the number for connection to the Internet Provider, for use Starone # 777

Enter a login name and password

Completed at the stage to create a modem icon on the Windows desktop and your mobile phone modem is ready to connect to the internet provider

To pass up connection you just mengclick connection that you have created, such as using a dial-up connection

When all the settings correct, then your connection will be connected directly to the CDMA provider. Visible in the image below 230Kbps connection speed.


Making phone as CDMA modem

Many ways to mengkoneksikan internet at home or dimna even though you are located. although even without hotspot. But i need a CDMA phone can nyambung bozzzzzzzzzzz. Mo knows how ???????????? Needed in addition to CDMA phone there is also other equipment that is

Prolific DKU-GW-001-Compatible Data Cable Nokia DKU5
Nokia 6585 CDMA
Starone CDMA Prepaid
Equipment for the PC:
Pentium P4 2.4C @ 3.3Ghz
Corsair Memory 1GB TwinX PC320
Asus P4C800-D
Gigabyte Radeon 9800 Pro
Seagate 120GB SATA Harddisk
USB port internet ICH5
Flatron L1710B LCD monitor
Zalman ZM-400B APS

Cable Function simulation data than a Com Port, also work as a function of data transfer from PC to mobile phones. While the modem work as a modem in your PC's internet connection. In the picture below is how the Data Cable at the bottom of the mobile phone and connected to the USB port.

How is:

The first stage: menginstalll COM port data cable from Prolific
As on the PC, when a device through a modem akan port or USB port. For CDMA systems through data cable also needs to be activated ditanamkan the Com port on the USB Data Cable.
This early stage is under way to install the USB driver disimulasikan as a Com port to connect a PC to connect Handphone.
We use Data Cable Prolific, it is easier than installing from the original Cable Data DKU-5 drivers who need ukuranbesar. You simply pair Data Cable Prolific and Windows will ask the driver to recognize the USB port Data Cable Prolific.
After entering the CD and install, it will be showing new Com port on the Device manager. This means the installation of the driver Prolific Com port is active and ready to be used to connect the phone to the USB port.
Stage two: Install Modem for Handphone through Data Cable
Then provide an introduction to the Com port for the modem, click on Phone and modem control panel
Log in to the modem. In the picture below, there is a modem with the chip-set for dial-up and does not have an article with this hubunganya. For the addition on the modem that enabled Handphone, you simply select the ADD and do not forget to click Do not Detect my modem. Because the modem must be installed in the driver manually.
Enter a search name kebagian modem, click the Have Disk to install the modem driver on the new Handphone.
Then input your mobile phone drivers, system drivers are not standard. And you can download the driver of each product you use your mobile phone.
When you use the Nokia, it will be shown 3 options. For Internet connection you just mengclick the 3G CDMA modem driver as you.
Then provide a port for your modem that has been in the Install.
Completed this process you have 2 modems, the first dial-up modem from Lucent and the second modem via Nokia Handphone and Com port connection from the third DataTahap Cable: Install Internet connection to Window for CDMA modem
As you are using a dial-up modem or ethernet broadband, each relationship is also required type of network connection and the type you need
To connect to the Internet, simply use the Wizard from Windows XP. Kebagian enter your Control Panel and click Network Connection
You just mengclick the Create New Connection in the sub menu Network Connection
Next Connection Wizard will appear, and click Next
Select Direct connection to the Internet
And input to connection setup manual
Select the dial-up, because the use Handphone system such as a phone and you need to dial the number manually to connect via CDMA mobile phone
Select the modem you have installed.
Enter the name of the connection, for example Starone CDMA.
Enter the number for connection to the Internet Provider, Starone use the number for 777
The process is almost ended, inputs a login name of Provider, the Starone requested for a login name: starone and password: indosat. Each login and password is different on each provider
Completed at the stage to create a modem icon on the Windows desktop and your mobile phone modem is ready to connect to the internet provider
To pass up connection you just mengclick connection that you have created, such as using a dial-up connection
When all the settings correct, then your connection will be connected directly to the CDMA provider. 230Kbps connection speed.
Phase four: Information-speed connection with the CDMA technology
For speed, internet connection via CDMA akan reach about 230Kbps or more than 15KB / s. And speed is equal to 3X the speed of dial-up connection or nearly a third speed cable modem connection. Are connected to the mobile phone provider. In the test through the download, the speed reaches 12-15KB / s more, of course this depends on the speed in which you open a website and a location server. Weakness on the Internet through mobile phones CDMA still has weaknesses, where the upload speed of less than download speed. To ping delay, connect the CDMA system tested is quick and not much different from the connection through Dial-up ordinary phone.
Below is the result of the connection and stability when using Handphone CDMA download through the Windows XP operating system.
Result: The progress of Internet technology to connect CDMA
At least, the ability to connect more quickly and can be used in the mobile Internet will be easier for the user in Indonesia. When it is said CDMA technology for Internet connection to common activities such as browsing, email is certainly adequate, but may not have been said fast enough. The existence of this technology will save more costs, particularly preferred a flat rate for the monthly connection cheaper than using dial-up system with the conventional rate selangit and even more slowly in a very bad area.
But use the CDMA mobile phone connection to the Internet can not be separated from the other constraints although not too significant, the strength of internet connection is no longer dependent on the good bad its network, but not good weather and the strength of your mobile phone battery.
Note: Internet connection with the CDMA setup requires information from each provider and the type of products and drivers. This article can at least explain that the CDMA connection becomes the new solution with better speed than dial-up, and ease of use the connection to the Internet via CDMA.
Before using CDMA for internet connection, you should evaluate where you are. And check the signal strength from BTS provider. CDMA technology has 3 options, namely signal Digital, Analog and 1X. Internet connection required for 1X and will be visible on your mobile phone display
System via mobile internet connection can also be done with Win98 OS. With the requirements, the connection must have a data cable driver for Win98 to get the COM port for the link to Handphone. Intall modem and mobile phone as dialup modem to install. Speed of 15KB / s is not influenced by the type of USB version 1.1 on Windows 98
Handphone ability have limited ability to use the transmission system, and the possibility of damage occurred in Handphone can occur if excessive use.
For Nokia 6585, a report from the user is able to survive only between 1-2 hours. And other information to the power held by the best mobile phones with the ability Modotel transmits 3-4 hours connection stability and resilience.

That's how temen2 ... ... ... ... ...


Promate EGo5 HSUPA Modem Gsm 3.75 G

Promate EGo5 HSUPA Modem Gsm 3.75 G

Promate eGo5 HSUPA Modem Features : • 3.75G Modem, 5.7Mbps uplink and 7.2Mbps downlink speed • T-flash card reader • Data Flash Storage • Integrated Drivers and Applications • Auto Installation • Internal Antenna • SMS ( Send and Receive ) • Dial up Networking • LED indicators ( USB Connectivity ) Specifications : • High speed internet surfing with HSUPA ( 3.75G ) • HSUPA uplink up to 5.7Mbps, downlink up to 7.2 Mbps • EDGE MS Class 12 ( Up to 4 Tx 4 Rx 5 Total ) • WCDMA,HSUPA,EDGE,GPRS,UMTS,and GSM Circuit Switched Data • Dual Band WCDMA/HSPA ( 850MHz/2100MHz ) • Quad Band EDGE 850/GPRS 900/GSM 1800/GSM 1900 + PCS • Compliant with GSM and WCDMA Release 99 • Basecom Solution for OS Compatibility • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/MAC 10.4 and above

Saturday, 30 May 2009

blackberry modem settings

Not all activities can be done online with the Blackberry, is definitive. But not the blackberry does not mean giving a way out to solve the problem. One mengfungsikan Blackberry as a modem. So with the help of PC / Notebook, we can online to overcome the shortage in the operating Blackberry.

Here is a note in the experiment of my Blackberry as a modem. I do this experiment with several media, among others:
1. Blackberry Device: Blackberry Storm
2. Blackberry Tools: Blackberry USB Cable
(included in package dus Blackberry)
3. Application Blackberry: Blackberry Desktop Manager v.4.7
(located in the Blackberry User Tools CD)
4. Notebook: Toshiba Satellite L310 (OS Ms. Windows XP SP3)
5. Card GSM: Halo Telkomsel with the Blackberry Internet Service
Media number 1, 4 and 5 can be adjusted with the existing course, should not be the same as that.

Step-step experiment:

1. Blackberry Connect with a PC / Notebook with the media that there is a cable in the package dus Blackberry.



2. Open the Blackberry Desktop Manager application that is installed on the Notebook. Make sure the application is already terloading perfectly, BB PIN has to appear under dikiri applications.


3. We start the experiment to detect Blackberry as a modem.
Click Start> Control Panel> Phone and Modem Options.


4. On the Phone Modem Options window, select the Modems panel. Look dijendela akan appears that the new modem detected. In the picture below is showing a new Standard Modem on COM4. Select the new modem and click Properties panel. Properties window will appear and select Diagnostics.

When the Blackberry hardware modem is active with the right, when we click the Modem panel Querry akan command as shown in the bottom right. If not then the Blackberry is not installed properly. Repeat the installation from the beginning of the Blackberry (Blackberry Desktop Manager and Device Driver). And repeat steps 1-4 until the command as shown in the image on the right bottom.


5. When the results of Querry modem is shown, now click the Advanced panel. In the Extra initialization commands fill command AT + cgdcont = 1, "IP", "Telkomsel". Code on the service, adjust this command with a service that is being used. Then click OK.


6. Now we try the experiment using the Internet settings so that the Blackberry as a modem. Click Start> Connect To> Show all connections. In the Network Connections window select Create a new service connection on the left.


7. Munculah New Connection Wizard window, click Next.
Then select Connect to the Internet, click Next.

8. Then select Set up my connection manually, click Next.
Then select Connect using a dial-up modem, click Next.


9. At this step the wizard choose the modem in accordance with step 4. Blackberry here is on COM4, click Next. Then enter your connection, such as I called Blackberry Storm 9500, click Next.


10. On the Phone Number to Dial to adjust the service settings. This can be asked to Customer Service Plans that we use. If it is not a * 99 # or * 99 *** 1. Operator Telkomsel to use my Phone Number * 99 #, and then click Next.

Begitupun the Internet Account Information. Username and Password each operator is different. Some of the Username and Password that I know of several operators are:
a. Axis: Username: Axis, Password: 123456
b. Mentari: Username: indosat, Password: indosat
c. IM3: Username: gprs, Password: IM3
d. THREE: Username: 3gprs, Password: 3gprs
e. XL: Username: xlgprs, Password: proXL
But that error does not happen, I still recommend this to ask the Customer Service Operator.

Telkomsel to use my wap Username, Password wap123, click Next.


11. The setting is completed and will appear a window that is the New Connection Wizard Completed.


12. Now living dikoneksikan. Go to Start> Connect To> select the modem that before we enter, here I use the Blackberry Storm 9500. Click Dial and connected.


As the cover. I try to remind that mengfungsikan Blackberry as a modem is not using the Blackberry Internet Service. However, using the standard Internet network that used the GSM operator. To such as blackberry Curve and the Javelin would only operate on GPRS / EDGE, while the Bold and Storm operations in 3G/HSDPA.

Experimentation such a note on my Blackberry Modem, hopefully beneficial to all and congratulations to try.
