Speed Up Your Modem
With Modem Booster
The word modem is actually an acronym for MODulator
-DEModulator and is a device that accepts digital data
and converts it into modulated analog waves that can be
transferred over normal telephone lines.
Earlier modems were analog,meaning that the digital
data coming from our computers must be converted
to analog signals so that it can travel through the phone
lines.This is the job of the modem.
The Modem at the other end that receives the data
converts it back into digital signals used by the PC at
the other end.Digital phone lines are here and the DSL
modem alone with the Cable modem are really digital
The quality of internet connection you experience really
depends on several factors.The quality of your phone
line is one consideration.Poor phone line material
may result in a noisy phone line resulting in very poor
data transfer and your modem disconnecting from
the Internet often.
Other problems with the phone wiring at your location
may be bad phone jacks,wet lines when the lines are
not buried.This may be especially noticable on rainy or
snowy days.
Modems come as an external device that sit on your
desk or the enternal models that resemble an adapter
card and fit into an empty expansion slot at the rear
of the system unit.
One of the earlier modems used was the 14.4 kilobits
per second in 1991 and in 1994 came the 28.8kps
modems which were extremely slow compared to today's
faster dialups and high speed internet modems.
The 56k modem came with new standards and were
much faster than the 28.8 units.The term 56k is used
to describe the two technologies that transfer data at
rate of 56k bps or bit per second.
The V90 Modem became the standard compatibility
for the various 65k modems.This technology is ideal
for internet users with dial-up connections because
it speeds the downloading of web pages with sound,
video,and other large files.
Then came the rather fast DSL Modem with internet
access speeds up to 1.5Mbps and higher.DSL stands
for Digital Subscriber Line,a service provided by
some telephone companies.
The phone company must install a special jack near
your computer order for you to connect to the Internet.
Your computer will need to have a NIC or Network
Interface Card installed in an empty expansion slot
in your system unit as well.
Generally speaking,you should be living within 3 to 5
miles of a company's office to be able to access
the DSL service.Both the DSL and Cable modems
will need a Cat5 Cable connected from the modem
to the NIC card to allow the transfer of data.
The Cat5 Cable or Category 5 Cable looks like an
oversized dial up modem cable.This cable contains
four pairs of copper wire and supports a fast 100Mbps
and soon the more advanced Cat6 cables will be on
the market.
The new Cable Modem connects to your television
cable to provide you with very fast Internet access.
With Cable Modems,your bandwidth is decided by
company providing the service.Bandwidth is data
that is transferred over a fixed time period.
For dialup modems,if you experience slower connections
than the modem's rating,the most likely culprit is your
home's phone line quality.There are some software
that will try to boost your dialup speeds.
About the fastest way to determine if your phone is the
problem,find someone that has a modem like yours
with the same rating.Ask to connect your modem to
his system and if your modem's connection is higher,
the phone line at your residence is of poor quality.
The Cable Modem speed is almost 100 times faster
than that of the dialup modem.As if that's not enough,
the data line is on 24 hours a day,unless some type
of maintenance is required.
The DSL Modem is said to be over 50 times faster
than the dialup modem.Both cable and dsl modems
are more costly but in all cases will be more than worth
it,depending on what you plan to do on the Internet.
You will experience the Internet like you never thought
possible if you invest in the faster dsl or cable modem
and connection.Learn every aspect of these modems
and once you experience these connections,you just
may be hooked for life.
Article by: Otis F. Cooper
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