1. Make sure your modem is installed in the Communication Port is empty, and in keaadan life. When the modem is used internal modem, make sure the modem is installed properly, then turn on the computer.
2. Click Start, select Settings, select Control Panel. Akan then Control Panel window appears.
4. Windows can automatically detect the modem to the device has been installed on your PC, but this is limited to a modem that has been recognized by Windows. When you select the automatic detection, then clear the box Do not detect my modem, and press Next.
When the modem is detected by the windows installed, then the message will appear: The following modem has found on Communication Port: Com1 / COM2. In the middle will show the name of the modem is found, for example: Standard Modem.
If you have a modem and a new type of file along with the driver (in floppy / CD-ROM), should you choose manual detection feature so that they can take advantage of the modem (eg, ability to support 56 kbps, fax, voice, etc.). For that select the Do not detect my modem, and press Next.
5. In the next menu displayed a list of modems that have been identified and is available drivernya by Windows. Select the appropriate type modem with your modem, and press Next.
If you do not have a driver file, then you can select the Standard Modem type, for example, with the speed of 28,800 bps, and press Next and you can go directly to step 7.
If you have a driver file (diskette / CD-ROM) provided modem vendor (manufacturer), then install the diskette / CD-ROM, and press the button Have Disk.
6. Menu displayed on the next Install From Disk window. Insert the diskette / CD-ROM that contains your modem driver file, select the appropriate dirive (A: \ or CD-ROM, use the other locations Browse the menu).
- 7.apabila driver file in the successful capture, it will appear on the driver's window (in this example, the driver modemnya V90 & K56Flex DATA-FAX-VOICE Modem, which has the capacity up to 56 kbps). Select the appropriate driver (if more than one), then press Next.
- 8.Setelah finished, then you must determine the communications port (COM) where the modem is connected. For example, the selected port COM1 is usually because the modem is connected to the port (unless used for other media). Then press Next.
Once completed this step, you can make a Dial Up Networking Settings
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