New Business Sales Representative Telkomsel Malang Branch, Jayadi Hartarto said, in this program there are three variants of the product Telkomsel socialized and promoted. Ie Telkomsel 3G iPhone, BlackBerry and activation Telkomsel Flash.
"Three-four months last Telkomsel broadband product that many seek. Menggenjot for sale at the same time facilitate the user to get broadband products, we immediately go down to the mall-mall in the city of Malang. We start this program in the MOG and weekends through the front akan Matos, "said Jayadi found in Malang Post event venue, yesterday.
In order to increase the sale of specific products iPhone 3G Telkomsel, Telkomsel to provide a quote to the user with the initial cost of Rp 0, -, ie, a special package for Telkomsel Bundling Plan. In this preferred user burdened with the cost of the monthly installment which is very light, which is starting to Rp 779,470 iPhone 8 GB and Rp 870,053 for start 16 GB iPhone.
Alumni Management Unair Surabaya force in 2003 to continue this, in the preferred package Telkomsel Bundling Plan this user can select the three packages, ie, Turbo, Turbo and Turbo Plus Premium. In the Turbo option only get a free 500 MB of data, Turbo Plus free 500 MB of data plus the 180 free talk minutes and 150 free MMS SMS/20, and the Turbo Premium 1 GB of data free, 360 free talk minutes and 300 SMS/20 MMS.
In addition to weight penawaran iPhone, in this event also menggenjot sales Telkomsel Telkomsel Flash. Telkomsel to this product offers unlimited two packages with prices starting from Rp 125,000 per month. According Jayadi, Flash Telkomsel Telkomsel is a broadband product that is currently on the most.
"Among the several broadband products that we remove, Telkomsel Flash juaranya become. For only with Rp 125,000 per month, users can enjoy browsing, chatting, email and facebook sepuasnya. Moreover, the speed of Telkomsel Flash is also above average, ie, up to 3.6 Mbps, "his him. (NDA / mar / malangpost)
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