DBC Network

Friday, 5 November 2010

Is Netflix too popular for the internet to handle?

Netflix's streaming service is flat-out awesome. It lets you stream movies and TV shows to your TV, computer, phone or iPad, all for a pretty cheap monthly fee. The problem? It may be too awesome. We knew that they sucked up 20% of internet traffic, but did you kow that it's a mere 2% of Netflix customers accounting for all that bandwidth?
So the question is this: is it sustainable? As more people join Network and current customers use the service more and more, can the backbone of the internet keep up? That's what Farhad Manjoo asks over at Slate, and he makes some interesting points. But hopefully, as more people get faster broadband plans in order to enjoy streaming services such as Netflix, ISPs will build out their networks in order to handle the demand.
Via Slate

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