DBC Network

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Bluetooth Modem with a Sony Ericsson M600i

Article taken from: Using Sony Ericsson M600i as a bluetooth modem on openSUSE 10.3

Here I will reveal my personal experience of how to use SE M600i as a bluetooth modem. Why bluetooth?

1. because it fails to connect using the cable -> HP is different from the SE the other, although successfully detected as a modem with openSUSE Yast but (in this case I use the latest openSUSE 10.3, I have tried in the same 10.2 jg: () in the modem can not query. While for the SE K608 I can use directly in the previous query.
2. Can recharge while in -> internetan can continue:)) because I charged it on the cable is quite short in the final 12-14jam

pertama2x done is install wvdial and pppd (and of course Microsoft tool) and turn on bluetooth on both devices. Here is langkah2xnya:

1. Open the bluetooth settings in Yast2> Hardware> Bluetooth: security on the radio button to select 2 (Use Local Pin ...) enter the code you diinginan ex 1234. Then on the Advanced Configuration Daemon enable RFCOMM
2. Pair with a computer device: linux on the connection should start from its hp (more precisely I do not know how to start a connection from the PC) and input a security code in step 1, then the taskbar kbluetooth (I use KDE 4) akan blue signs connected ago dead again, do not panic is normal if we open the connection then I will be active again.
3. Use hcitool scan to find out the MAC ADDRESS devices, and use the browse sdptool [MAC ADDRESS] to get a channel from the service Dial-Up Networking: bluetooth settings snapshot M600i
4. Now open / etc / bluetooth / rfcomm.conf to edit the configuration rfcomm, below is the configuration I use:
# RFCOMM configuration file.
# (rfcomm1
# Automatically bind the device at startup
bind yes; # Bluetooth address of the device
device 00:16: B8: 8B: 0f: 38; # RFCOMM channel for the connection
channel 7; # Description of the connection
comment "M600i";
channel can be in step 3 from above and the number rfcomm1 that determine our own.
5. Now we open ngotak especial wvdial / etc / wvdial.conf under this configuration is the ISP and my computer, please adjust to the conditions in your:
[Dialer defaults]
Modem = / dev/rfcomm1
Baud = 115200
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2
Init3 =
Area Code =
Phone = * 99 *** 6 #
Username = xxxx@xl.centrin.net.id
Password = xxxxx
Ask Password = 0
Dial Command = ATDT
Stupid Mode = 1
CompuServe = 0
Force Address =
Idle Seconds = 0
DialMessage1 =
DialMessage2 =
ISDN = 0
Auto DNS = 1
6. To make a dial-in you can just type wvdial

before I actually try to use kinternet to open a connection to the rfcomm but always failed, so in the end I use a tool that is more primitive wvdial. If you have a program the other dialers can be used, refer to the / dev / rfcomm as modemnya

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