DBC Network

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Cirrus/Ambient/Intel Chipsets

Note that Intel acquired Ambient Technologies which was a spin-off of Cirrus Logic created to handle just the modem portion of Cirrus/Amibent's business.

56k modems were introduced when Cirrus Logic was owner/developer. These hardware-controller modems use Texas Instruments chipset (the same chipset used by USR), but with firmware developed by Cirrus. These modems use MD3456x chipset and usually have the MD3456 designation in modem model. To update these modems, a firmware flash file is needed. This chipset has been discontinued. These modems will support x2 and V.90.

Cirrus/Amibent also developed host-controller and hardware-controller based modems with chipsets - MD56xx.

The MD562x is a PCI controllerless model that has been discontinued. Intel provides archived drivers for this and other discontinued chipsets (see link below).

A 'Preliminary Data Book' with complete command documentation from Modemsite Downloads.

The MD563x is a PCI controllerless model also known as HaM (Host accelerated Modem). This is the current Intel modem chipset, and Intel provides driver support for Windows. Linux drivers are available. Vendors that make modems with this chipset include Archtek, DIS, GVC, Pine, Trust and WebExcel. This chipset supports V.90 as its only 56k-protocol - but updated drivers provide V.92 support.

The MD family was replaced in 2003 by the 536 and 537 chipsets.

The 536EP is a controllerless (DSP) chipset supporting V.92 and V.44.

The 537EP is a softmodem (HSP) chipset for PCI cards supporting V.92 and V.44.

The 537EA is a softmodem (HSP) chipset for AC'97 (modem riser) cards supporting V.92 and V.44.

Intel provides generic drivers: http://www.intel.com/design/modems/support/drivers.htm however, they do not provide a Modem-on-hold applet. If you were sold a V.92 modem with the Intel chipset, the manufacturer (Intel doesn't build modems) should have bundled compatible modem-on-hold software - usually BVRP's NetWaiting or FaxTalk's NetOnHold. While Intel and others provide modem driver downloads, the modem-on-hold isn't included with these downloads.

A V.92-enabled HaM driver is available from the Amigo.tw website - See AMI-IA56 driver version 4.60.2 which also has link for Modem-on-Hold instructions (also Ami-2019 Modem driver version 4.48 for Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP). INTEL has posted driver version 4.47.2 on its website - including versions for various Linux systems! NOTE: An old Intel driver - 4.4.72 - was released with .inf file that omits valid V.92 connect response - The file INTELS11.INF is missing the line:

HKR, Responses, "+MCR: V92", 1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

which can be inserted with a text editor (Notepad) after the line:

HKR, Responses, "+MCR: V90", 1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

Digital Integration System (DIS) provides Linux driver (for modem model "Heavy Metal" - the "Blue Thunder" Linux driver available here.

More information on the HaM: Intel Product Brief (pdf format)

The MD565x is a hardware-controller modem that supports x2 and V.90. This chipset has been discontinued. Flash firmware upgrades are available from some of the vendors that made modems based upon this chipset: Actiontec, Archtek, GVC, Pine, MaxTech, Trust and WebExcel. Intel has a generic driver - but the driver does not upgrade firmware.

The MD566x is the current hardware-controller chipset; the main difference between this and the 565x is the DSP contains internal ROM reducing part count required to make a modem; and, the firmware supports V.90 as the only 56k protocol. Intel provides a generic driver, but no firmware updates. Firmware updates might be available from OEMs using this chipset which include: DIS and GVC.

The MD567x is a hardware-controller chipset for use in making USB modems. A firmware flash is required to upgrade modem firmware. DIS makes modems with this chipset.

Also see:
Intel/Cirrus/Ambient Generic Driver Page

Cirrus MD56xx Modem Commands - Most of the documentation on the web for Cirrus modems is (a) outdated and (b) if more current, is incomplete with respect to 56k.
Speed Limit Commands for your modem
Protocol Selection (init string) commands for your modem


All hardware-controller modems should work operate with the Linux operating system. Intel continues development of Linux drivers for current controllerless chipset - check the Intel/Cirrus/Ambient Generic Driver Page.


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