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Saturday, 11 July 2009

IM2 bundling Modem ZTE MF622 pada Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

ZTE 3G Modem MF622 frequently dibundel Paketan with broadband internet provider in the country begajul sometimes create a headache for new Ubuntu users, because the 3G HSDPA USB modem to use this kind of two systems, and data for the driver, when running on Windows is usually the driver directly autorun to install the drivers self-help without having to install the file to hardisk. Unfortunately there are rarely allowed the autorun file to run on the Linux operating system, in addition to the dangerous course we are not complacent such guests coming to bring furniture without permission and then immediately installed and used in our house. Therefore there must be a kind of program or method of execution for the USB modem switch switch function without having to go through the modem driver directly to the default hardware modem is functional. Therefore approximately initial analysis if not mistaken.

Just try Kanuragan Science in patience when a friend of the owner in 1405 exposed a fever Jogloabang Linux Ubuntu 9:04 Jaunty Jackalope is super cool and dahsat both in appearance and others though not seheboh Operating System such as bundling paying expensive branded, is bundling the dibelinya together with the beloved super kerennya Lenovo Ideapad Y410 besutan IBM that has a guarantee reliability, even in conjunction with the direct diborongnya bundling with IM2 modem ZTE MF622 HSDPA USB, so can be relaxed where the world is connected with the invisible and gentayangan both in Plurk, and entahlah Happy Farm. From here there is something up, with the wrapper perjuangannya to be connected to the virtual world with the combination of Ubuntu Linux 9:04 Jaunty Jackalope and 3G USB Modem ZTE MF622 many days with dijalaninya Googling and Browsing to Launchpad, but not yet satisfied and confident about the result, until finally I try to follow the spirit of Brother in Arms, and this paper is just a description of the incident spin is the practice with some translation from the language of the original handspike Launchpad.

Go to Launchpad meet a direct question "how to run hspda ZTE MF622 modem?" with the answer that very clearly:

I would like if anyone had tried to run their ZTE MF622 modem hspda on 8:10 ubuntu? It was detected as storage but I cannot make them work. I also saw one here regarding the MF622 that it was plug and play on Xubuntu but I wonder why it wont work on Ubuntu where they share the same kernel? I also saw a script regarding the installation but it wont work either on my machine.
I would humbly ask if how can I make this work? is there any commercial driver modem inorder for this to work?
thanx and more power

be answered clearly by Mark Rijckenberg, like this:

The solution to this is a little complicated.
Please install Ubuntu 9:04 and then follow these instructions:
https: / / wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G/ZTE_MF622
Hope it helps,

Jump to TKP and praktekan directly with my own sweetheart with just 3 easy steps because toh already installed Linux Ubuntu 9:04 Jaunty Jackalope, then easily direct budall course, is to edit and change a few things-info, open a terminal:

gksudo gedit / usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-modem.fdi

will open a new window text editor, then change the search 0x19d2 and 0x0001 device usb.interface.number from 0 to 2, as below:

FDI and cache with the command:
sudo rm / var / cache / hald / FDI-cache

Then shutdown and restart the computer, but this is not my praktekan, even though the instructions said I did not restart and is connected to the ZTE MF622 modem still would not be recognized, but the practice is still running successfully and a success.

Thus then Plug 3G/HSDPA USB Modem ZTE MF622, wait several seconds, and already visible in the top right of the Network Manager Modem ZTE CDMA or GSM, the right-click the edit connection, fill in the data as necessary and appropriate in connection provider each, do not forget authenthikasi PAP and DHCPnya, apply, strange modem 2 have recorded there, and I just use the bottom, and jreng I terkoneklah IM2 with Linux Ubuntu 9:04 Jaunty Jackalope and 3G USB Modem ZTE MF622. Strange incident that occurred also in Ubuntu Linux 9:04 Jaunty Jackalope and Modem ZTE MF622 USB 3G card with this chip property Senoaji that I can use with your username and password, and also running well, with the implications of this singularity can follow up your own course .

In this way no need to use file USB_ModeSwitch which is very useful for users Ubuntu 8:10 Intrepid Ibex storage function to disable the modem in order to directly identify himself only as a GSM modem. Thus the struggle against discrimination of vendors that we do today, hopefully useful for colleagues who need them. I also paste the file 10-modem.fdi native and 10-modem. -termodifikasi that has been modified, enhanced monggo to desperation because of course this should be also enhanced by a more advanced, thanks to Respectfully Community Ubuntu, Launchpad STOP Dreaming and START ACTION.
USB Modem ZTE MF622 solving IM2
Blog reactions
Pill-Pres (puyer)
Wed, 07/01/2009 - 06:55 - telling stories about anything related to the social economic and political kemanusian parody of life, all boxed in with the style of writing but laden super disorganized thinking.
Award in Early July
Wed, 07/01/2009 - 06:35 - Hehe. Second Award Helda terusin to 9 blog aja ya: 1. Kak Deta ... 2. Pak Suryaden ... 3. Muji Sasmito ... 4. Kus Andriadi ... 5. Om Tri Wahyudi ...
Digital Read: Stop Dreaming Start Action | Manjadi More Full of Wisdom
Tue, 06/30/2009 - 08:13 - Stop Dreaming Start Action to Become More Wisely, is an expression of an experience that will never happen, learn to make the change from the attitude that is not ...
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