By Sean Fallon
Last week I asked you to show us your cable management situation. Not surprisingly, elegant solutions were hard to come by. What we did have was complete chaos.
ITLawMan: Yes. That is a boom box. Its for music on hold. Sue me.
FannyGaia: this is my setup in my basement – note the wifi router suspended from a pipe using and old phone cord to boost reception upstairs
sixty4: Here you have it folks your chance to see cable management at its best and I sell my services for $US4.99 an hour! That’s right, for $US4.99 an hour I will come to your house and hose your wires up too!…
This add ends in 25 seconds so act fast before its gone!
These wires are for 2 computers + 1 Altec Lansing sub woofer and 4 surround sound speakers and at least 2 computers that are no longer a part of the network but I have not removed the wires. There may be other misc wires from cell phone from a year ago, a battery charger and keyboards that are hooked to nothing but pure air :( There are 3 daisy chained surge protectors as well, covered in skin dust.The 2 monitors and 2 printers are about 5 feet away so the additional wires run behind the white floor cabinet pictured; hidden and out of site. There are several books and clean printer paper on the white floor cabinet pictured as well, hidden. In addition its a glass tabled top so you can see the arrangement from above while you wait for Twitter to come back online. These all run off one plug, the other wall plug on the adjacent wall is for the air conditioner and router. I did use 3 cable ties to tidy up a bit; red ones to match the colour of fire hazard.
Excelcior: 2 PDAs, 2 kbds, 2 mice, 3 printers, 2 scanners, a router, a cable modem, 2 switches, 5 game controllers, 2 game consoles, a monitor, a VCR, an FM antenna, and 2 sound systems. And that’s just what’s hooked to the 4 computers.
It’s hard to see just how many there are because of the brown desk top, but they’re stacked about 12″ deep. Cheers!
karateelf: It really needs some organisation!!
emmetation: I think about this every day…
retardedbaboon: real deal
stillinbeta: Our Media centre. Two TVs, 4 game consoles, hard drives, routers, etc.
Cubcicals: Here is my hell. only part of it/save me nothing helps
asanya: i think i need a bit more than cable management lol lots of old PC parts the PC its self is old run windows xp with a amd athlon 850MHz
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