DBC Network

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Modem Sierra and Telkomsel Flash Unlimited Cased Solved: do not compact output Modem Telkomsel and non-Telkomsel

Some days I am preoccupied with the problem Telkomsel Flash Unlimited connections that can not connect. Whether what is done by SingTel that most modem (which is not primarily a modem output Telkomsel) to not be connected with Internet network even made it into Telkomsel's network.

For those using a modem Sierra (875/881U/885) and have the same problem with me, then this is a possible solution could be applied to your internet connection running again:

A. With WWAN Profile

1. Enter the Sierra to the USB modem to your computer and wait until it appears 3GWatcher / Sierra Watcher (or open the manual if you have it turned off the auto launch).
3. Select Tools - Options - Profiles
4. Select a dipake Profile WWAN or more is recommended to create a new WWAN profile, and do the steps below:

Create a new Profile WWAN, Random Name (eg. Telkomsel, Internet, etc)
User Name: (blank)
Password: (blank)
APN: internet / telkomsel

leave the default options

Click Apply

5. Go to Menu Advanced
6. In the TCP / IP Settings change the CHAP authentication,
7. Fox WINS become YES
8. click Apply
9. Sign in to DNS Settings
10. Primary and Secondary on the contents of (or may also be removed)
11. Click Apply then OK

If you use a modem 885 and Sierra still using contemporary skin that becomes the default of Sierra 885, then you need to change your default profile to the profile you just created. I highly recommend you use classic Watcher skin because it's easier in the selection of available profiles.

12. Close the Sierra Watcher
13. Sierra Watcher reopen it, and then click connect ... Internet mudah2an you've walked back .....

B. With Dial Up Profile

Basically this way too similar to create a profile WWAN. The trick is:

1. Enter the Sierra to the USB modem to your computer and wait until it appears 3GWatcher / Sierra Watcher (or open the manual if you have it turned off the auto launch).
3. Select Tools - Options - Profiles
4. Select Dial-Up Profile of dipake or more is recommended to create a new Dial-up profile, and do the steps below:

Create a new Dial-Up Profile, Name Any (eg. Telkomsel, Internet, etc)
User Name: (blank)
Password: (blank)
APN: internet / telkomsel

leave the default options

Click Apply and OK

Turn off its Sierra Watcher ... switch it on again .. and try to connect ...
Mudah2an can walk again:)

Hope helps

competent people in Sierra modems and personal experience

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