A few days later resumed the problem. I have checked the web interface to the DSL modem (made by 2Wire) and saw that it too slow to react. Then, this morning seemed to my network and ADSL connection to work, but not enter or leave. I reset the DSL modem several times and finally things started to work and finally the modem shows the broadband statistics show errors from different population groups. As a prudent means AT & T started I need to overseas customer service and / or support.
An hour and a half later, after talking to four people, of which only the last had no idea it seems that the DSL modem at the Fritz (which was what I had for most of the said 90 minutes ). Has anyone seen one of you DSL modems, including 2Wire, therefore it is not always flaky diagnosed easily? Let me know your experience. While we're on the subject of comments, a few weeks ago I asked for his thoughts on the use of alternative firmware for wireless access points from Linksys and the vote was overwhelming, the Tomato firmware.
The reason for the excitement was that tomatoes are by most people as a great improvement over the original Linksys firmware, without naming as complex as the main alternative to DD-WRT Tomato. DD-WRT has its own fan club, but it seems the general feeling is that the tomato is easier to use, stable and useful.
Installation of tomatoes, at least in the compatible hardware ridiculously easy. compatible hardware includes the Linksys WRT54G v1.x V1-V4, WRT54GS v1-v4, WRT54GL, WRTSL54GS (no USB support) Buffalo WHR-G54S, WHR-HP-G54, G54-GRV, WBR2 G54, WBR-G54, WZR -HP-G54, WZR-RS-G54, WZR-RS G54HP, WVR-G54-NF, WHR2-A54-G54, AG54 WHR3, Asus WL500G Premium (no USB support), WL500GE, WL520GU (no USB support) Sparkle WX6615GT, RT390W Fuji and Microsoft MN-700, but definitely not the WRT54G/GS Linksys (tomato brick devices).
Features include a tomato-based user interface, AJAX real-time graphics and status updates, a command line interface via BusyBox) that the Swiss army knife of Unix utilities for embedded systems, Telnet access is supported, with access (SSH Drop Bear), a DHCP server demanding intended as the original firmware, traffic filtering, support for Wake on LAN, advanced quality of service control, support for multi-mode wireless access point, station wireless client (STA) , Wireless Ethernet (WET) Bridge, Wireless Distribution System (WDS as a Wireless Bridge), and at the same AP and WDS (Wireless known as repetition), dynamic DNS service, a CIFS client, which control the transmission power, antenna selection and support for 14 channels of wireless startup, shutdown, firewall and WAN Up "scripts and cron jobs (scheduled scripts), Wireless survey (see the other networks in your area) and last but not least, corrections of known errors in the Broadcom Linksys-based firmware. 've created when I write "the installation of the tomato," I should add "or its variants", because as open-source developers, a number of alternative distributions even more features to add. These distributions (some of which have big names Hardc0re as hackerish "," Road Kill "," SgtPepperKS "and" NeoRouter ") support for various improvements such as increasing the maximum number of connections (10 240 in the case of" Bear Teddy "version) and secure FTP support, OpenVPN, SNMP, USB and VLANs.
Thus, the installation: Download the firmware ZIP file format, extract the firmware to a local file, log on to the access point, go with the firmware update, locate the firmware file is extracted, select it, you can the upgrade process is your thing, then configure again, and voila! Wi-Fi access to Nirvana.
Unless the pitch in the middle of the updates in this case, I said, you no longer need an access point, you have to be a brick. The same problem occurs when you load tomatoes or one of its distribution in a model of non-compatible hardware. I tried a Linksys WRT54GS with tomato update and it was a painless process that I could wait and BAM! I had to play a number of new features. There are many use documentation, FAQs and discussion forums about the Tomato-learning functions, and troubleshooting is easy.
The tomato is just incredible and a testament to the creativity of the open-source development. Take me to give an assessment of 5 from 5
Gibbs has a better wireless access in Ventura, California gearhead@gibbs.com Connect.
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