AIS2OZI - logger/decoder/plotter for PocketPC.
Ship positions are plotted directly in OziExplorer. - Download AIS2OZI (unzip and view "readme.htm")
Decodes AIVDM sentences of types 1, 2, 3 and 5, i.e. position reports for class A shipborne equipment plus vessel information. AIS2OZI will be released soon.
Requirements for tracking ships with a PPC will be:
1 - AIS-engine + VHF-antenna + 12V power
2 - PocketPC w/ Windows Mobile 2003 or WM5 (Windows Mobile 5, recently released)
3 - SW: OziExplorerCE and the AIS2OZI program.
4 - BT-adapter (see below)
5 - or serial adapter (RS232-interface) instead of 4 (BT-adapter)
BlueTooth-connections has now been tested and proved to be working perfectly.
These three different RS232 to Bluetooth - adapters were used for the test:
1 - Promi-SD202 - Class 1 (100m range)
2 - F2M01 (Free2Move) Class 1 (100m range)
3 - PICO Plug SPHINIX Electronik Class 2 (10m range)
Interfacing the Nasa A.I.S. engine to a blutooth dongle can be done this way (from Klaus).
The wireless AIS solution: AIS-engine, antenna, 12V power, 0-modem, bluetooth-dongle (supported with +5V on PIN 9) and a PocketPC. That's all necessary HW. You also need the OziExplorerCE and AIS2OZI program!
AIS4PC - logger/decoder/plotter for PC.
Tracking ship traffic in Norway (Trondheim).
Tracking ship traffic in the English channel.
AIS engine receiver
Introduction to AIS:
Commercial vessels over 300 tons and all passenger vessels are required to have installed an AIS (automatic identification system). This equipment transmits the ships name, mmsi number, position, speed, course and heading every few seconds. It enables other vessels, port authorities and land crabs to get a picture of what's happening around them - a bit like air traffic control.
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