Internet connecting experience with Ubuntu via bluetooth phone this time takes quite a long time, almost 1 week working on my utak and browsing the internet and ask a friend, thank God finally fulfilled a week too ... yuk more ...
Minor Tweaks this time I use my favorite laptop, Compaq V3837TU (built in bluetooth) dikolaborasikan with Sony Ericsson G502 for modem and IM3 as ISPnya. PC and your mobile phone is different from the one I use? GA PROBLEM! important computer and mobile phone you're using a bluetoothnya and can be used to connect to the Internet (yes Lovable ... slap!)
To use the phone as a modem we have to do some good settings on the laptop / PC or internet connection settings on the phone. Here are the steps: (assuming we have the configuration settings on the mobile Internet and browsing we can use our mobile phones)
(For those who use external bluetooth, and no application bluez-gnome) Open Terminal and type
sudo apt-get install bluez-gnome
Command is to download plus Install bluez-gnome applications. This process requires an internet connection or a DVD from the Ubuntu Repository.
(For those who already have an application bluetoothnya and bluez-gnome, go directly to this step) Enable bluetooth on the phone and then type
hcitool scan
masiqbal @ masiqbal-laptop: ~ $ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:22:98: D1: 57: BE G502
Hcitool scan command is to detect active Bluetooth devices in the coverage. Visible results hcitool scan command on the found bluetooth on my phone with the MAC Address 00:22:98: D1: 57: BE. After that type
sdptool search DUN
command above is to find the Dial Up Networking service on our mobile phone bluetooth. Here are the results from sdptool search command in Ubuntu DUN me:
masiqbal @ masiqbal-laptop: ~ $ sdptool search DUN
Inquiring ...
Searching for DUN on 00:22:98: D1: 57: BE ...
Service Name: Dial-up Networking
Service RecHandle: 0 × 2008003
Service Class ID List:
"Dialup Networking" (0 × 1103)
"Generic Networking" (0 × 1201)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0 × 0100)
"RFCOMM" (0 × 0003)
Channel: 1
Profile Descriptor List:
"Dialup Networking" (0 × 1103)
Version: 0 × 0101
That needs to be noted from the above command is the MAC Address 00:22:98: D1: 57: BE and channel number used. Channel number that appears on my ubuntu is 1. Tax-channel results can be different on each computer. More ...
Then proceed to edit the file rfcomm.conf located in the folder / etc / bluetooth with the command
sudo gedit / etc / bluetooth / rfcomm.conf
Here are the contents of the file rfcomm.conf mine that I have to edit the MAC Address and customize channel number from my mobile phone bluetooth as well as information "bind no" to "bind yes"
Contents rfcomm.conf files by default:
# RFCOMM configuration file.
# rfcomm0 (
# # Automatically bind the device at startup
# Bind no;
# # Bluetooth address of the device
# Device 00:22:98: D1: 57: BE;
# # RFCOMM channel for the connection
# Channel 1;
# # Description of the connection
# Comment "Example Bluetooth device";
The contents of the file after I rfcomm.conf fox:
rfcomm0 (
bind yes;
device 00:22:98: D1: 57: BE;
channel 1;
comment "Bluetooth SE G502";
Okay, then we edit the wvdial.conf file located at / etc / wvdial.conf to type the command
sudo gedit / etc / wvdial.conf
The contents of wvdial.conf file by default:
[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "Homepage"
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = * 99 *** 1 #
Modem = / dev/ttyACM1
Username =
Password =
Baud = 460800
Note the script above, [Dialer Defaults] is used to dial / call the cellular provider, replace it "Defaults" in the name of the card you use, eg [Dialer im3].
In the fourth row, Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "Homepage", Hompage serves as the default homepage of the cellular providers, because I use im3 card, then "Hompage" I replace with "www.indosat-m3 . net ".
To-eight rows, Phone = * 99 *** 1 # as dial numbers cellular provider, to use a dial GSM mobile number * 99 *** 1 # and the CDMA mobile phone use dial number # 777.
The ninth line, Modem = / dev/ttyACM1 is the location of mobile devices we use, if your phone is connected to a computer / PC via a data cable modem and use the settings / dev/ttyACM1, but if used via bluetooth / dev/rfcomm1.
Row ten and eleven, is a username and password cellular provider, once again, my card im3, then Username = gprs settings, and Password = im3.
OK, here is a list of sets of each provider that I know:
User: gprs
Password: im3
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
IM3 Duration
User: indosat @ duration
Password: indosat @ duration
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
Homepage: telkomsel
User: wap
Password: wap123
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
Homepage: flash
User: [leave empty]
Password: [leave empty]
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
User: xlgprs
Password: proxl
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
MATRIX regular [APN = satelindogsm]
User: [leave empty]
Password: [leave empty]
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
MATRIX broadband
Homepage: indosat3g
User: indosat
Password: indosat
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
Homepage: satelindogsm
User: indosat
Password: indosat
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
User: axis
Password: [leave empty]
Dial: * 99 *** 1 #
Fren (Mobile-8)
User: m8
Password: m8
Dial: # 777
User: telkomnet @ flexi
Password: telkom
Dial: # 777
User: starone
Password: indosat
Dial: # 777
Provider coincidence that I often use is im3, sympathy and xl. So setting the file in / etc / wvdial.conf is:
[Dialer im3durasi]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = * 99 *** 1 #
Modem = / dev/rfcomm1
Username = indosat @ duration
Password = indosat @ duration
Baud = 460800
[Dialer im3]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = * 99 *** 1 #
Modem = / dev/rfcomm1
Username = gprs
Password = im3
Baud = 460800
[Dialer indosat3g]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = * 99 *** 1 #
Modem = / dev/rfcomm1
Username = indosat
Password = indosat
Baud = 460800
[Dialer xl]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = * 99 *** 1 #
Modem = / dev/rfcomm1
Username = xlgprs
Password = proxl
Baud = 460800
[Dialer telkomsel]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "flash"
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = * 99 *** 1 #
Modem = / dev/rfcomm1
Username = wap
Password = wap123
Baud = 460800
[Dialer flash]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "flash"
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = * 99 *** 1 #
Modem = / dev/rfcomm1
Username =
Password =
Baud = 460800
Okay, after that search to find a bluetooth mobile phone bluetooth mobile phone on your computer / PC and then connect / pair and the same input passkey between the phone and the computer / PC (make sure your phone is always "trusted"). If the phone is set in 1234, then do the same thing for the PC, then it was time to do the dial. Type:
OR im3 wvdial wvdial im3durasi
If that appears as below the internet connection via bluetooth successfully: D
masiqbal @ masiqbal-laptop: ~ $ sudo wvdial im3durasi
-> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-> Can not get information for serial port.
-> Initializing modem.
-> Sending: ATZ
-> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0
-> Sending: AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""
-> Modem initialized.
-> Sending: ATDT * 99 *** 1 #
-> Waiting for carrier.
ATDT * 99 *** 1 #
~ [7f ]}#@!}!}!}) 8 }#}$@#}(}"}'}"}"}&}))))%) &B; [1b] R [1d] ( ~
-> Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt.
~ [7f ]}#@!}!}"}) 8 }#}$@#}(}"}'}"}"}&}))))%) &B; [1b] RW: ~
-> PPP negotiation detected.
-> Starting pppd at Sun Mar 8 06:27:37 2009
-> Pid of pppd: 6029
-> Using interface ppp0
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Local IP address
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Remote IP address
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Primary DNS address
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
-> Secondary DNS address
-> Pppd: (1 [17]? 1 [17]? 1 [17]
Well .. if a show like this gimana?
masiqbal @ masiqbal-laptop: ~ $ sudo wvdial im3durasi
[sudo] password for masiqbal:
-> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-> Can not open / dev/rfcomm1: No such file or directory
-> Can not open / dev/rfcomm1: No such file or directory
-> Can not open / dev/rfcomm1: No such file or directory
Do not worry ... Try pairing from the computer / PC to a Bluetooth phone with the command
sudo USERCTL bind 1 00:22:98: D1: 57: BE 1
My experience when connecting via bluetooth to the next day always fail if not in re-pairing of the computer / PC to the phone. Still fail too? hehehe ... mas AndyMSE this experience, try DELETE Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0 in the file / etc / wvdial.conf, then do not forget to change the line below the original
Init3 = AT + CGDCONT = 1,? IP?,? become
Init2 = AT + CGDCONT = 1,? IP?,?
Fiuuhhh ... finally finished ... hopefully short length guide can help you to connect to the Internet in Ubuntu via bluetooth phone. Hopefully useful ...
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