DBC Network

Thursday, 27 August 2009


The NewsDepot Internet Access Server

The NewsGate System is a gateway for the outside world (reporters) to the LAN back in the main studio. It is used by reporters who are not based near their central studio but who may be on the other end of the world, and who want to upload their “hot” news back to the studio even in the middle of the night. The news item is recorded on any type of audio equipment connected to the reporter’s PC/notebook that has an Internet connection.

The NewsGate at the Broadcast house is connected to the web and offers a low-cost tool for the reporter abroad to upload his/her item to the studio.The reporter that's abroad does not need to buy or install extra software or hardware on his/her PC or notebook. He/she only needs the studio's website address (URL) in order to upload the item.

In general the NewsGate system at the studio will have a connection onto the network where a NewsDepot is installed. The NewsDepot will then collect the uploaded items from the NewsGate and forward these items onto the BAS system.

The NewsGate Server allows the transfer of audio files in various formats through the Internet without the need for any specific soft- or hardware module.

The Internet Upload
With the internet upload function the user will select the website address (URL) of the broadcast house in his personal web browser.

A welcome page will be displayed, providing some information to the user. After clicking the “Login” hyperlink the user can log in to NewsGate. If he/she has does not have a login account yet, the user can request one by clicking a hyperlink which provides email access to the system administrator.

After successful login the upload form will be presented to the user. This form contains the following fields:

  • Filename
  • Title
  • Location
  • Author (not shown in picture below)
  • Destination (drop down box)
  • Comments
  • Each of the fields can be set to mandatory.

    The user can browse his/her local system to insert the file to be uploaded. The data can be entered in the
    data fields, and clicking the “Send” button will start the upload.

    NewsGate can contain multiple directories to ensure an easy overview and access of the news that is uploaded onto the NewsGate by the external reporters. Each destination is a separate folder and the items in each folder can be processed differently. Users can then create destinations such as “Pictures”, “Movies”, “Text”, “Audio” or “Sports” and “Current Affairs” as needed. Items uploaded to the “Movies” destination are forwarded to a video processing system and the item uploaded to “Sports” are forwarded to the “Sports” Category of the radio automation system.

    During the upload the user is informed continuously about the progress and the estimated remaining time.

    After the upload a result window appears summarizing the details of the upload. This lets the user know his/her file has been uploaded successfully. If the user wants to know whether the file has been processed correctly and inserted into the broadcast automation system, he/she needs to view his/her (personal) log file, by clicking the corresponding hyperlink. File processing may take several minutes.

  • The log file window shows all items that have been uploaded to the system, with
    date/time, filename and title and the upload status.
    The upload status can have three states, each supported by a colour:

  • Error (Red), this means the upload was not successful.
  • Upload OK (Yellow), the upload was successful, but the file has not
    yet been processed and inserted into the broadcast automation

    In database (Green), the file has successfully been inserted into the broadcast automation system
    and will be available to all users.

  • System administration

    A web based administration system allows the system administrator to configure the system from any location in the local area network.

    The possibilities are:

    User interface customization
    Here the administrator can configure the appearance of the web pages. He can define the logo, the fore- and background colours, change all user-definable texts and define the language of the system (currently supported languages are German and English). Further, each of the upload fields can be assigned a user-defined label.

    Database access
    Access to the system internal database offers the possibility to view, add, modify and delete database tables containing users and destinations.

    Log files
    All log files can be viewed, downloaded and cleared. The system keeps three types of log files:
    1) Login log, an overview of all attempts to log in to the system.
    2) Upload log, an overview of all attempts to upload a file.
    3) Admin log, an overview of all attempts to login as administrator.

    Server settings
    Capability to change server settings such as IP addresses for LAN, Internet and Gateway. Specify a blacklist for files that cannot be uploaded (such as *.exe, *.com *.dll) and define how long files, that are not fetched must remain on the system.
    The “Systems Statistics” window shows system information, such as used disk space.

    Settings for alert functions allow (in combination with the Arbor alerter module) the system to automatically send emails or provide other acoustic or visible alerts upon definable events.

    System Control
    The system can be shut down or restarted.

    Browser compatibility
    The NewsGate system is an open system that is theoretically accessible with any Internet browser. There are however, many browsers available on the World Wide Web and the compatibility between them is not self-evident. The NewsGate system is tested with the following browser versions:

    PC Platform:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 and V6.0
    Netscape Navigator V4.7 and V6.1
    Opera V5.10

    Mac Platform:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0
    Netscape Navigator V4.08

    All above-mentioned browsers will work with NewsGate, although there may still be differences in the make-up and sometimes behaviour of the pages.


  • Integrated Web Server with WebClient application
  • Integrated firewall
  • Dedicated Linux based system
  • Easy access with just an internet connection
  • No local software required
  • Robust 19" case with optional redundancy
  • Upload for Audio, Video. Text and Pictures
  • Optional direct dial-in connection for urgent contribution
  • Web-based management
  • Supports FTP access as well
  • Multiple destinations
  • User definable texts, pictures (logo) and appearance

  • Web-based management
    The NewsGate system can now be managed from anywhere in the network. With the web based management you can view and set all system parameters. This includes creating users and destinations, and also modifying the graphical interface or changing the IP-address.

    You don't even have to leave your seat for a reboot or shutdown.


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