DBC Network

Sunday, 6 September 2009

USB HSDPA Modem Huawei E272 Cooler

hehehe .. accordance with postingannya title, this time I wanted to share how to make gmn cooler (cooling) for the USB modem Huawei E272 HSDPA .. but ga the possibility to apply to modem laennya series, such as Huawei E220, etc. .. : wink:

material is also what the .. include:

* Heatsinks. taken from the motherboard company aja yang udah ga kepake.
* Fan / fan. buy a small can aja klo.
* Usb cable (extension). ga have to buy a new usb cable him, wrote clearly one end of the cord should be able to plug the usb dimasukin in leptop / company.

nah .. klo udh smua collected, skrg time to assemble .. : cool:

1. usb cable cut one's way as long. watch cable on it. there will be a small cable 4 fruit, whose color can vary, for example red-white-green-black. 2 of them are for data, and the remaining 2 are for power. usually, the wires for power is the black and red colors. but can also be other colors. such as black and white. Incidentally, I have a usb cable, for power is a black and white. klo you have a voltmeter, even better. Where can diliat reply imaginable voltage, it must be for power.
2. Next, take the fan, look no cable trus black and red colors. try to connect / wrap cable from the fan's reply, with a usb cable, wrote to power, washed-we find before. adjust the color. black with a black fan from usb. red from the fan with the red / white from the usb. after that, try to plug the usb cable it to leptop / companies. klo fan can spin it, it means the cord arrangement've correctly. but klo ga mau muter, please try another color combinations .. : mrgreen:

please see pictures below .. hopefully can clarify .. :)
USB HSDPA Modem Huawei E272

USB HSDPA Modem Huawei E272

Mix USB and Fan Cables

Mix USB and Fan Cables

USB HSDPA Modem Huawei E272 with Cooler

USB HSDPA Modem Huawei e272 with Cooler

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