The first device to work on Verizon's upcoming 4G network was confirmed on Friday by an FCC filing showing its approval. LG's VL600 would be a USB modem with both 3G and 4G support. It appears to support both the wide 700MHz band for the LTE network Verizon uses for 4G and both the 800MHz and 1,900MHz bands for EVDO-based 3G on the legacy network.
No clues are contained in the filing as to when the VL600 would arrive, but Verizon is already in the near-complete trial stages and should make 4G commercially available by the end of the year. The carrier has already said its first devices would primarily involve modems and routers. Smartphones should arrive sometime in 2011 but may be towards the start of the new year. [via Phone Scoop]
No clues are contained in the filing as to when the VL600 would arrive, but Verizon is already in the near-complete trial stages and should make 4G commercially available by the end of the year. The carrier has already said its first devices would primarily involve modems and routers. Smartphones should arrive sometime in 2011 but may be towards the start of the new year. [via Phone Scoop]
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