Mobile broadband is indeed going to revolutionise the way we access the internet, and how we go online. Well, when I say it will, what I mean is that it already is! And the key device that’s leading the charge is the frankly beautiful ZTE USB Modem, available exclusively through 3. As USB Modems go, it really is gorgeous, with a slim body, and elegant colour scheme giving it a wonderful, professional look. However, it’s also one of those clever mobile broadband devices that can make ‘professional’ look ‘mouth-wateringly sexy’ at the same time!
In terms of performance, it’s no slouch either, being able to connect to the internet at true broadband speeds of up to 2.8Mbps (which is faster than the average HOME broadband connection! On top of that, the installation process is possibly the easiest I’ve ever seen, taking all of 30 seconds from ‘getting the modem out the box’ to ‘surfing the net’. I’m all for ease of use, and the ZTE USB Modem really redefines the rulebook on how easy IT products can be to use. Mobile broadband – the future
When we get down to it, though, how big an impact is mobile broadband really going to make? Well, try “an absolute shedload”! There’s no feeling like being able to get online whenever you want, wherever you are. On the train. In the pub. On the beach. In a field full of cows. Anywhere. The ZTE USB Modem really is leading the charge, but it’s very clear: the future is mobile broadband.
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