DBC Network

Thursday, 8 October 2009

GPS with Wireless Modem Sierra AirCard 881U on Laptop

It turned out that besides having the grasp of a strong signal that this modem can also be used to access the GPS. What is GPS?

Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only satellite navigation system is functioning properly. This system uses 24 satellites which send microwave signals to Earth. This signal is received by a receiver on the surface, and is used to determine position, velocity, direction, and time. System similar to other GPS anatara Russian GLONASS, Galileo European Union, IRNSS India.

This system was developed by the United States Department of Defense, with the full name is NAVSTAR GPS (common mistake is that the NAVSTAR is an acronym, this is wrong, NAVSTAR is the name given by John Walsh, a key policy makers in the GPS program). This satellite collection maintained by 50th Space Wing United States Air Force. This maintenance cost of about U.S. $ 750 million per year, including the replacement of old satellites, as well as research and development.
Source: wikipedia

At first I did not know if this modem has a hidden function when I bought it two months ago in one of computer shops in the DC Mall and thanks to its frequency of Google's open-open accidentally secret is revealed from the modem (I base it hehehe wrote an outdated time ...). This free GPS we can use without having to use a SIM card, just with a laptop only. Do not believe it? This proof ..

Mengenable's first GPS with a firmware upgrade first download the latest version here. Way, colokin modem to a laptop without SIM Card. then install the firmware and wait a while until the upgrade is complete. That needs to remember this firmware upgrade is the laptop not to die during the process. This is to avoid failures during the upgrade and this will cause the modem to be damaged.

Second install the latest 3've Watcher GPS support udh here and if the application is complete open and click the play button to turn on his GPS and the results appear like this.

Below is the message "Session started, waiting for fix .." This means looking for sattelite can connect. If you already connect the folder and click the button it will link to google pages google map and there will appoint our current existence.

Hehe .. so I know the existence dong ..

Now we begin to go into the steps to install an application called GarminMobilePC.

What is GarminMobilePC? GarminMobilePC is one of the software used for the navigator or guide. If still not clear read on his website wrote myself .. hehehe

Now we begin.

1. Download Application GarminMobilePC last version here

2. Download keygen for garminnya here

5. GarminMobilePC_50060.exe Extract and install by clicking the setup.exe not Main.msi hehe

6. Seteleh finished it will open the application will appear like this

Because there was no writing trial and to be a full versionnya please click the yes button.

7. Klik “Done”

8. Klik “OK”

9. Klik aja “Skip”

10. Klik aja “Yes”

11. Klik “Agree”

12. klik “Tool”

13. Klik “About”

14. There is "Device ID"

15. Open Keygen already downloaded and input device id in the column "Enter Your Unit ID here"

Then select the software product to "garminmobilePc" click generate and appears unlock code.

16. Copy Paste the unlock code into notepad and save as dengen name "SW.UNL" Save type as "All files" and encoding "ANSI".

then save to a folder C: \ GarminMobilePC. Kalo gak ada in the C folder are likely located in D: \ if our hard drive partitions. If it's closed garminnya application first and then open again and the results. Jreeengg ... GarminMobilePC was no trial writing again. And we'll go to the next step.

17. Due in no maps garmin please download the latest Indonesia first map here and select the file type is "GMAPSUPP". Then install / extract directorynya open and there will appear the file "gmapsupp.img". Copy and paste this file into the folder C: \ GarminMobilePC. And after that unlock the folder in a way that was open keygen and input the folder ID in the select map product. how to select "custom map" and to see our id map please download the map here Id kamudian finder browse files "gmapsupp.img" appeared earlier and was the result of our id folder. then fill the last keygen and click generate.

Then copy and paste your map unlock code to notepad and save as to the folder C: \ GarminMobilePC with the file name "GMAPSUPP.UNL" and save as type "All files" and encoding "ANSI".

18. After that it finished deh!

Now we can see our existence in which, gas stations, where, where the police station, another restaurant and another where where ..

This result ...

For stations in batam ..

Untuk Hospital di Batam..

How? asik kan ... so if we want to go everywhere not bother again sum up the location.

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